Director Emeritus
From the time he made Elgin his home in 1950, E.C. (Mike) Alft has made significant contributions. A teacher, constant reader, mayor and local historian, he has written more than a dozen books and booklets – one a history of Gail Borden Library. Much of his life has been spent in libraries: he is recognized as an ever-present user of Gail Borden Library, having spent nearly sixty years gleaning facts, trivia and curiosities from books and microfilm.
As a library trustee, Mike was a participant in the planning for the present building and its branch. A staunch supporter of the Freedom to Read and the Library Bill of Rights, he led board discussions when community members questioned particular materials. Who better to defend intellectual freedom than one who has logged the more than 1800 books he has read since the age of 15. These are chiefly works on history, economics, government and classic literature. Not included in the list are the “light” reading titles he has consumed.
Serving from 2001 through 2010 as a Foundation Director, Mike was active in garnering the support needed to enhance the building. He also supported efforts which led to numerous projects, including the groundbreaking exhibits, GIANTS, African Dinosaurs Created by Project Exploration. and SPACE: Dare to Dream.
Never idle, he continues to offer support with workshops to train newly minted trustees and programs on Elgin’s rich history as well as to portray the library namesake, dairyman Gail Borden. In 2010, Mike was named an Illinois Library Luminary, in recognition of his outstanding voice in the library community.