As a library trustee, I shall observe ethical standards with absolute truth, integrity and honor.
I shall represent all citizens honestly and equally and refuse to surrender my responsibilities to special interest or partisan political groups.
I shall avoid any conflict of interest or any appearance of impropriety which could result from my position, nor shall I use my Board membership for personal gain or publicity.
I shall recognize that a Board member has no legal authority as an individual and that decisions can be made only by a majority vote at an open Board meeting.
I shall at all times respect the confidentiality of privileged information. I shall support the library’s Resource Selection Policy to the fullest and the librarians’ efforts to resist censorship of library materials by groups or individuals.
I shall be involved and knowledgeable about not only local library concerns, but also about state and national issues.
I shall be aware of the state laws governing libraries.
As a trustee who has accepted library Board responsibilities, I shall endeavor to perform all the functions expected of and implicit in that position.