Accounts Receivable Policy

ALA Code of Ethics

Alcohol Policy

Allowable Cost Policy

Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance

Anti-Fraud Policy


Borrowing Privileges

Budget Development Policy

Budget Monitoring and Activity Tracking

By-Laws of the Board of Trustees

Capital Assets Policy

Cash Management Policy

Concealed Carry Weapons Policy

Confidentiality of Customer and Circulation Records

Diversity Equity and Inclusion

Ethics Ordinance

Ethics Statement for Library Trustees

Expenditure Controls Policy

Fees for Materials, Services, and Equipment

Freedom of Information Act Policy

Freedom to Read Statement

Fund Balance Policy

Gifts Policy
          Gift Agreement Form

Internal Control Standards

Internet and Technology Use Policy

Investment Policy

Library Bill of Rights
          Challenged Materials
          Evaluating Library Collections
          Expurgation of Library Materials
          Free Access to Libraries for Minors
          Labeling and Rating Systems
          Restricted Access to Library Materials

Library Board of Trustee E-mail Communication