The Gail Borden Public Library follows Illinois State Law (430 ILCS 66) which prohibits the carrying of any weapon, concealed or partially concealed, in the library building or on library property.* In conformance with state statutes, the library will post at all entrances to the building and parking areas of the Main and branch libraries, the required signs as approved by the State Police. Any violators will be reported to law enforcement and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
*Exception: law enforcement
The signage below, as approved and adopted by the Illinois State Police, will be posted as follows:
Main Library
- Front entrance doors to building (2)
- Staff entry door
- Loading dock entry door
- Entrance to parking lot from Franklin Street
- Entrance to parking lot from Ann Street
- Sidewalk to Main library from Kimball Street
Rakow Branch
- Main entrance door to building
- Delivery door
- Entrance to the parking lot from Reserve Drive
South Elgin Branch
- North main entrance door to building
- South main entrance door to building
