We are temporarily unable to fill requests for Puppets. Requests for all other items will be filled normally.

All collection requests require at least 48 hours notice and no more than 7 days

Fill out all appropriate collection data for submission to Gail Borden Public Library.

Any request after 8:30pm on Monday-Thursday will not be looked at until 9:00am the following day.

Requests submitted after 5:00pm on Friday may not be looked at until the following Monday.


Main Library


Building Hours
Monday - Thursday:
Friday & Saturday:

Extended Drive-Up Window Hours
Friday & Saturday:

9 am - 9 pm
9 am - 6 pm
Noon - 5 pm

8 am - 9 pm
8 am - 6 pm
11:30 am - 5 pm 

Pickup Location:     (Required
Enter the date needed:    (Allow at least 48 hours notice)
Teacher's name:    (Required)
Teacher's E-mail:    (Required)
Teacher's Library Card:   
My best contact #:     (Required)     If School, enter Voice Mailbox #
School/Preschool:       (Required)
Grade level(s):  (Required
 (check all that apply)
    Babies and toddlers
    2 year olds
    3 year olds
    4 year olds
    5 year olds
    1st Grade
    2nd Grade
    3rd Grade
    4th Grade
    5th Grade
    6th Grade
    7th Grade
    8th Grade
Topics Requested: Please include broad topics. (Information on some topics may be limited due to availability.) 
 What types of materials and how many would you like? (Select all that apply. Limit 30 total):

  Materials: Amount Desired:
Picture Books
Big books
Read-along storybooks with audio
(e.g. Wonderbooks, Vox Books)
Beginning Readers
Chapter books
Non-fiction books
Graphic novels
Magazines (limited availability)
Audio books
Music- Please click here for curated
Spotify lists of popular subjects
DVDs (limited availablilty)
  Puppets (Currently unavailable)
Specific Titles: (e.g. Please include 'Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs', also, if you have a list of titles, please press return after each title.)
Other Comments: