
Browse and check out popular titles from your library

Whether you're browsing on the web, a tablet, your personal device or even using a discovery terminal within the library, you can browse the shelves that your library set up by category or you can use the filter button to filter by genre. All of this helps you to discover the content you want to read quickly and easily.

All your books in one place

cloudLibrary™ by bibliotheca keeps all your books in-sync, meaning that wherever you choose to read your books you'll always have the same content with you. Your books stay connected across all of your devices. The system will automatically remember which page you left a title on, allowing you to pick up that great novel from where you left off.


View the Cloud Library Catalog


Download on the App Store Download on the Google Play Store Available on Kindle Fire Download on Nook
Available for Mac OS Available for Windows Available in th eChrome Web Store


Check out something today!

  1. Download the app - Download the cloudLibrary™ by bibliotheca App from the Apple App Store, Google Play or install the Windows PC or Mac OS X cloudLibrary App.
  2. Log into Gail Borden - Using the drop down menu, select Illinois, Gail Borden Public Library, and enter your 14-digit library card number and PIN. Click agree to terms and log in.
  3. Browse, borrow and read - Now you are ready to browse, borrow and read eBooks from your local library.
    Items can be checked out for 21 days with up to 5 items checked out at a time.

    Click on settings, filters and Suggestions for Library


Request eBooks and eAudiobooks!

  1. In the app tap on Search.
  2. Tap on the Filters icon.
  3. Tap on Suggestion for Library to add a check mark next to it.
  4. Go back and search for the title you are interested in.
  5. Tap on the Suggest button.



Having problems or want some help?

          Why is the loan period for cloudLibrary titles being reduced from 28 days to 21 days?

Recently publishers have made drastic changes to licensing terms.  What does this mean to libraries?

  • Significant increase in the costs of eBooks and eAudiobooks.
  • Expiration dates on titles that will limit how long libraries can provide access to each new title.
  • Purchasing restrictions due to publisher enforced embargos and quantity limitations
  • At the end of one or two years, we may have to re-purchase popular titles. 

These adjustments will prevent us from purchasing the level of content that we are accustomed to providing our customers to shorten waiting periods for popular titles.  Because of this, we have decided to adjust loan periods from 28 days to 21 days.  This change will allow more customers an opportunity to access popular titles in a timely manner. 

If you have more questions about this change, contact Director of Collection Development, Joan Hull: