Thank you so much to everyone in this community. Your support in yesterday's election means so much to the future of our Library district.  We thank everyone who comes through our doors, who checks out an eBook or watches one of our current online storytimes. We are undoubtedly the Library district that is "fueled by the power of community." From everyone at the Gail Borden Public Library District, thank you.


March 18, 2020
The board and the staff at the Gail Borden Public District would like to thank everyone in the community. The support in yesterday's election means so much to the future of the library district. Library officials thank everyone that comes through the library doors, checks out an item—whether it’s physical or digital—or who watches one of the current online storytimes or programs. This library district is undoubtedly "fueled by the power of community."
Unofficial results indicate that approximately 62% of voters cast a ballot to approve the referendum, which will allow the Library to address long-term maintenance and repairs to maintain the almost-20-year-old main building in downtown Elgin.
The money also will be used to meet growing community expectations for services, books and other materials, programs, and staffing, as well as meet the minimum wage increase mandated by state law.
“We are thrilled to receive this vote of approval from our supporters,” said Carole Medal, Gail Borden Library’s Chief Executive Officer. “Library services are more important than ever, especially in providing accurate and timely information on just about any topic. For example, in the past few weeks, we have assisted many individuals in their search for information about the coronavirus.”
Like many public institutions, the Library closed to the public starting last weekend to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Library staff brainstormed ways to continue serving Library customers online instead of in person. What resulted were thousands of people tuning in to hear lively bilingual storytimes and programs, daily library operating updates, librarian book recommendations and instructional videos on how to access and use online library materials and resources such as eBooks.
Gail Borden Library’s Board President Jean Bednar explained that flexibility, responsiveness and creativity are hallmarks of the Library. “The Library’s employees, from reference librarians to customer relations staff to children’s storytellers, bring literacy and knowledge to the community in such a heartfelt way. They truly enjoy serving the community, which results in such a vibrant relationship between the library and people in the community.”
The Zero Tax Rate Change brought about by the referendum will essentially be a swap. The Library will redirect the 8.8-cent tax rate for construction bonds, which will be paid off in
December, 2021, to the Library’s tax rate for operations. The net effect will result in a zero tax rate change as there will be an equivalent reduction in the rate of the bond fund.
Again, thank you community.More to come.


The Zero Tax Rate Increase Library Referendum 

The Gail Borden Public Library Board of Trustees voted unanimously to place a Zero Tax Rate Increase Referendum on the March 17, 2020 ballot.

  • Building Bonds that were issued to construct the Main Library and the Rakow Branch will be paid off in 2021.
  • The library will be asking voters to approve “swapping” money—taking money that is currently being applied to bond funding and applying it to operating costs (books, programs, services and maintenance of buildings).
  • The referendum question will ask for an increase in the operating fund limiting rate. The rate of the bond will be reduced by the same amount. This will result in no increase to the tax rate.

By checking materials out of the library instead of purchasing those items, our customers have saved $2,424,258.84 so far this year including $33,753.42 saved yesterday. In February, they saved $932,589.81.


See community survey results here!

Why swap usage?

The main Gail Borden Public Library is nearly 17 years old and the Rakow Branch is 10 years old. The Capital Plan calls for major building repairs and replacement, IT infrastructure as well as safety and security requirements to be paid for in the coming years. The library is also incurring additional costs due to the new state minimum wage law. These funds would also assist in preserving current services and hours of operation, as well as adding new library areas at the South Elgin Branch in the future.

Jean Bednar, the president of the Gail Borden Public Library Board of Trustees, said, “Our recent community survey indicated that people overwhelmingly believe that the Gail Borden Public Library is important to our community - 99% of library users and 95% of non-users indicated this.  We have a wonderful opportunity to ensure that our valuable library is supported into the future with this no increase tax rate swap referendum in March of 2020.”


The construction bonds that were issued in 2000 will be paid off in 2021. Voters are being asked to allow the library to use those funds for operating costs. As the library facilities age, even though the staff practice proactive maintenance, there will some larger infrastructure needs that cannot be covered by current operating funds. For an example of specifics, in the next 5 years, the Library Capital Plan dictates that over $1.3M will be needed to repair or replace the following: fire alarm system, security cameras, HVAC, parking lots, masonry and tuckpointing, plumbing fixtures, sprinkler air compressor, humidifier, ballasts and lamping and lighting controls. In addition, another $8.5 million will be needed during this same time period for minimum wage mandate, technology upgrades, South Elgin Branch expansion, Main Library refurbishment and rebuilding library collections. In the next 10 years the Capital Plan shows the need for an additional $2.2M for repairs and replacements to the library’s three buildings. 



A yes vote will have no impact on your property tax rate. It is enabling the library to use funds that
were used to pay bonds to now be used for operations.

If the referendum does not pass, the median valued home of $192,000 will pay approximately $4 less to the library per month.

Click here for Annual Audit Financial Report for Gail Borden Library.


The Gail Borden Public Library District is located within Kane and Cook counties.  The tax that is currently being applied on the building bonds that will be paid off in 2021 has been collected in both Kane and Cook counties.  The question that will be presented to voters addresses “swapping” the previous bond taxes for operations (materials, programs and services).  Per Illinois statute, the referendum question will not include language about the equivalent reduction in the bond fund.  

The question will be –

Shall the limiting rate under the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law for Gail Borden Public Library District, Kane County and Cook County, Illinois, be increased by an additional amount equal to 0.08765% above the limiting rate for levy year 2018 in Kane County, Illinois and by an additional amount equal to 0.0850% above the limiting rate for levy year 2018 in Cook County, Illinois for the purpose of the establishment, maintenance, and support of a public library and be equal to 0.486% of the equalized assessed value of the taxable property therein for levy year 2020?

(1) The approximate amount of taxes extendable at the most recently extended limiting rate is $12,321,622.56, and the approximate amount of taxes extendable if the proposition is approved is $15,009,960.42.

(2) For the 2020 levy year the approximate amount of the additional tax extendable against property containing a single family residence and having a fair market value at the time of the referendum of $100,000 is estimated to be $29.22 in Kane County, Illinois and $24.74 in Cook County, Illinois.

(3) If the proposition is approved, the aggregate extension for 2020 will be determined by the limiting rate set forth in the proposition, rather than the otherwise applicable limiting rate calculated under the provisions of the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law (commonly known as the Property Tax Cap Law).


El Referéndum que no Aumentará la Tasa del Impuesto de la Biblioteca

Tras una votación unánime, el Consejo de Síndicos de la Biblioteca Pública Gail Borden ha decidido colocar un Referéndum sin Aumento de Impuestos en la boleta electoral del 17 de marzo de 2020.

  • Los bonos emitidos para construir la Biblioteca Principal y la sucursal de rakow se terminarán de pagar en el 2021.
  • La Biblioteca le estará pidiendo a los votantes que aprueben un “intercambio” de dinero, tomando el dinero que se está aplicando actualmente el pago de los bonos para usarlo para los costos operativos (libros, programas, servicios y mantenimiento de edificios).
  • La pregunta del referéndum solicitará un increcemento en la tasa límite del fondo de operativo. Habrá una reducción equivalente en la tasa de los bonos. Como resultado, no habrá un aumento en la tasa del impuestos.

 ¿Por qué este intercambio?

La biblioteca principal de Gail Borden tiene casi 17 años y la sucursal de Rakow tiene 10 años. Será necesario pagar los costos principales de mantenimiento de los edificios, los costos de infraestructura de TI, así como los costos de seguridad en los próximos años. La biblioteca también está incurriendo en costos adicionales debido a la nueva ley estatal de salario mínimo.Estos fondos asimismo ayudaran a preservar los servicios actuales, el horario de operación y la adición de nuevas áreas en la sucursal South Elgin en el futuro.


Reuniones Generales

7 pm

Lunes 27 de enero – Biblioteca Principal

Martes 28 de enero – sucursal Rakow

Martes 4 de febrero – sucursal South Elgin

Lunes 2 de marzo – Biblioteca Principal


Votación temprana comienza     2 de marzo de 2020

Día de las elecciones                       17 de marzo de 2020


¿Deberá incrementarse la tasa límite conforme a la Ley de la Limitación de la Extensión del Impuesto a la Propiedad para el distrito de la Biblioteca Pública Gail Borden, condado de Kane y el condado de Cook, Illinois, por un monto adicional igual a 0.08765% por encima de la tasa límite del ejercicio fiscal 2018 en el condado de Kane, Illinois y por un monto adicional igual a 0.0850% por encima de la tasa límite del ejercicio fiscal 2018 en el condado de Cook, Illinois con el propósito del establecimiento, mantenimiento y apoyo de la biblioteca pública y ser igual a 0.486% del valor de tasación igualado de la propiedad imponible de la biblioteca para el ejercicio fiscal 2020?

(1) El monto aproximado de impuestos extensibles a la tasa límite extendida más reciente es de $12,321,622.56 y el monto aproximado de impuestos extensibles si se aprueba la propuesta es de $15,009,960.42.

(2) Para el ejercicio fiscal 2020 se estima que el monto aproximado del impuesto adicional extensible sobre propiedades de residencia unifamiliar y con un valor justo de mercado al momento del referéndum de $100,000 será de $29.22 en el condado de Kane, Illinois y $24.74 en el condado de Cook, Illinois.

(3) Si se aprueba la propuesta, la extensión total para 2020 será determinada por la tasa límite establecida en la propuesta, en lugar de utilizarse la tasa límite que se aplicaría en caso contrario y que se calcula conforme a lo dispuesto bajo la Ley de Limitación de la Extensión del Impuesto a la Propiedad (conocida comúnmente como la Ley de Tope al Impuesto a la Propiedad).